Wednesday 8 April 2015


Now that I have been blogging for a year it's about time I shared the tips that I have picked up along the way. Blogging can be extremely rewarding but trust me it's not an easy road and there have been times where bloggers block hits (otherwise known as writers block) and I struggle to string a sentence together. 

That leads us nicely onto my first tip, keep going. Having the motivation to post weekly and have fresh ideas can be difficult so choose one or two days that you ant to publish a post on per week (on days that will work for you-which you can always change) and whenever you want to post more you can increase that number or decrease them when it's not going too well. I'm sure your readers will appreciate one amazing blogpost per week rather than two half hearted ones. 

Now this is a tip I don't often see mentioned and it is utilising bloglovin'. I love the bloglovin app, I browse for hours looking for new blogs to follow and I find it's a great way to find inspiration for new content. I use the option for saving posts and separate them into categories one for blog photography tips, blog content ideas and any useful blog related resources. 

I need to pay more attention to this tip, use social media. It is difficult to manage Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook accounts all for your blog, as well as keeping in the loop of your personal ones. On a Sunday afternoon I like to schedule all of my tweets for the week ahead using the Hootsuite app. Try and stay active on all of your social media, this just helps your blog links to be constantly advertised-allowing people to always find your content. 

Blue tac will be your best friend when taking photos. There's nothing worse when trying to take a photo of a product and it won't stop rolling around. I secure my products with a little bit of blue tac and they stay still so I can take the photo and it doesn't damage the product or background either.

Utilise your phones note page is yet another helpful tip. Whenever I am on the go and an idea for a blogpost pops into my mind the first thing I do is jot it down on my phones note page. Sometimes the ideas don't amount to much but it's useful to jot them down because it could add to another blogpost. It's always annoying when you have a great idea but forget what it was a few hours later.

If you're looking for another tips related post, check this one out, balancing school with blogging-link.

Do you have any blog related tips?




  1. I love using Bloglovin to find new blogs, i have noticed since it updated i find not as many people are saving posts. I do still save alot and i also put them into categories x
    Emma | Emmys Blog

    1. Bloglovin is such a helpful tool, I've noticed that about saving posts too, I'm not sure that people understand how to use it yet as it's relatively new :) x

  2. Good post. I like your tips for rolling products :)

  3. Yes to the bloglovin app!! Changed my whole attitude towards blogging the day I got it :) so much easier to read and interact with bloggers! I love using Twitter for finding new blogs especially beginner blogs!

    x, Carina
    Running White Horses | Fashion + Travel


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