Friday 1 January 2016


I'm definitely embracing the New Year, fresh start, particularly on my blog. In the past sixth months I've definitely slipped in terms of blogging. I was thoroughly enjoying blogging until I had to put it on hold for my GSCE's and since then I haven't really got back into the swing of things. In order to kick off this New Year, I thought it would be best for me to reintroduce myself and what you can expect to see on Cupcakes and Candyfloss during 2016. (Can you believe it's 2016 already?!) 

Hello, I'm Lauren, I'm 16. I've had my blog for nearly 2 years now and I have loved it. This blog became Cupcakes & Candyfloss back in August 2014. Due to school work being my main priority, there will be at least one blogpost every week and one video on my YouTube channel, which you can find here.

In terms of posts...

Beauty: My greatest passion is beauty and as I started blogging in order to share reviews and tutorials of my favourite make-up products, this is mainly what you can expect to find here this year. My make-up collection is forever growing and I find it exciting trailling out new products in order to share my thoughts on them.

Tips: I am introducing a new section this year which is going to be tips, and here you will be able to find blogging advice, make-up advice and so much more. I thought this would be a great addition to Cupcakes and Candyfloss as I love writing this style of post. 

Lifestyle: Occasionally you will see a few posts which are lifestyle related such as recipes, DIY's and outfits. Yes, a scary thought but when the weather gets better I would love to create some outfit style posts. 

I hope you are looking forward to what's to come in 2016 as I certainly am!

What's one of your New Year's Resolutions?




  1. I am going to have to put blogging on hold when I complete my GSCE's this summer. Hope your's went well!
    Hannah | Heyitshannaah

    1. Thank you, yes they did. All the best for your exams! x

  2. Ahhh I am so similar to you on the beauty front! I started blogging because I really wanted to share honest reviews and try and test lots of different beauty products and my most favourite posts to do are tutorials. Same here though with being busy with college work; my blog is my little hobby haven! P.S I've been following your blog since I began to get into blogging about a year and a half ago and it is one of my favourites :) xx

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoy reading my posts :)
      I love beauty blogging so much, it is so rewarding! xx


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